
Darkness to Light

One dark, stormy afternoon in Mustang, Oklahoma, when our son was almost two, we heard the town’s sirens fill our house indicating there was a tornado coming. It was already raining and the wind was strong when we made our way outside, headed for the storm cellar. In Oklahoma, houses rarely have basements but some… Continue reading Darkness to Light


My Eyebrows

NBC … these three letters have several famous meanings but, to my sister and me, they mean Name Brand Clothing in Oklahoma City and also in Fort Worth.  I honestly can’t remember how long they have been in business, but I would guess since the late 80’s.  America’s finest department stores agreed to sell all… Continue reading My Eyebrows


Is August Really Fall?

I grew up with the year being divided perfectly into three-month segments, as God intended.  December, January, and February were winter.  March, April, and May were spring. June, July, and August were summer.   September, October, and November were fall.  September was back to school month.  Things rarely stay the same; we know everything changes with… Continue reading Is August Really Fall?


Rewrite My Story Many of Grimm’s fairy tales start the same way:   “Once upon a time…” These stories also seem to have the following components;  children, a scary witch, a dark forest, a path, and a hero.  As the reader, I, first of all, think, why did someone write this terrifying story and call it a children’s… Continue reading Rewrite My Story